Course curriculum

    1. 1. Introduction

    2. 2. Overview of X1

    3. 2.1 Overview of X1

    4. 3. Review of Simple Sketch Tips

    1. 4. Solving Sketch Problems - Introduction to 3D View

    2. 5. Introduction to Construction Components an Overview Levels

    3. 6. Additional Examples of Solving Roof Issues with 3D

    4. 7. Using Google Earth to Help with Sketches

    1. 8. Roof Sketching Made Easy

    2. 9. Interior Sketch Tips Introduction

    3. 9.A Interior Sketch Tips Windows

    4. 9.B Interior Sketch Tips Cabinets

    5. 10. Interior Sketching Made Easy

    6. 10.A Interior Sketch Made Easy

    7. 11. Ceiling Types

    8. 12. Adding Reference Tools to Sketch

    9. 12.A Adding Reference Tools to Sketch

    10. 12.B Adding Reference Tools to Sketch Bathroom

    11. 12.C Adding Reference Tools to Sketch Closet Area

    12. 13. Rolling with the Punches when XM8 Gets Tricky closet pantry

    13. 13.A Rolling with the Punches when XM8 Gets Tricky

    14. 14. DIY Reference Tools

    15. 15. Further Interior Touch Ups

    16. 15.A Further Interior Touch Ups

    17. 15.B Further Interior Touch Ups

    1. 16. Managing Exterior Wall Thicknesses and Components

    2. 17. Additional Reference Tools

    3. 18. Sketching Elevation and More XM8 Quirks

    4. 18.A Sketching Elevations and Handling more XM8 Quirks

    5. 18.B Sketching Elevation and More XM8 Quirks

    6. 18.C Sketching Elevation and Handling more XM8 Quirks

    1. 19. Putting it all Together

    2. 19.A Putting it all Together

    3. 19.B Putting it all Together

    4. 19.C Putting it all Together

    5. 19.D Putting it all Together

    6. 20. Closing Statements

    1. x1_keyboard_shortcuts

    2. Xactimate Line-Item Codes

About this course

  • 39 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content